Lead Me Home Premiere by The JACK Quartet at TIME:SPANS
Green to be Featured on 21 Century Guitar Conference
On March 25, 2020 at 8:30 pm EST, abo ibawi for guitar and live electronics will be featured on the 2021 21 Century Guitar Conference. The performance can be viewed on zoom at the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83479963216?pwd=WkRXMXpIRmpCMS9IUm1MaGlXaEpRZz09.
Green Selected for Fellowship with Transient Canvas
Brittany J. Green will be collaborating with marimba and bass clarinet duo Transient Canvas over the next year to premiere a new work in Spring 2022. Green is one of four fellows selected for this opportunity. Winners of the Composition Fellowship will receive a stipend of $1000, three performances of their works, audio/video recordings of the premiere performance, and workshops with Transient Canvas.